Wednesday, March 31, 2010


"An unreasonable sort of fear that can cause avoidance and panic. Phobias are a relatively common type of anxiety disorder." Definition about phobia from

Everyone has heard of phobias, they know that they are a fear of a certain type of thing. Be it a spider or of being touched. Most everyone has one, you may even have one that you don't even know about. Some phobias are pretty normal to hear about, like Astraphobia; the fear of thunder and lightning, or even Coulrophobia; the fear of clowns and even Claustrophobia; the fear of confined spaces. But while some are fairly normal, there are some phobias that may seem ridiculous to you. phobias like Dikephobia; the fear of justice, Genophobia; fear of sex, or even (don't try claiming you have this, cause 13 years of going to school has already proven you don't have it) Didaskaleinophobia; the fear of going to school. I know how impossible these phobias sound, but somewhere on this planet, even in Canada there is someone with one or more of these disorders. According to both and extrapolated statistics show that there are about 1,374,413 people in Canada alone who suffer from a phobia. China and India carry the most people with phobias, ranging from 20 million to 25 million people. So the next time you see someone, who knows maybe they have a weird phobia. You can find out about more phobias at .

byebyex :P

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Intro ;)

Hey Bloggers, my name is Skylar Larsh and for the next few weeks/months I'll be talking to you all about the mind. All the psychological and subconcious things that most of you have never even thought about. It's one of the things that no one really ever questions. Therefore, i'll be talking about the way your mind works, how you think, how it reacts and controls your body. This type of thing has always intrigued me, even when people have explained it clearly to me, it's like "Whoa, how on earth can this really happen?." And so, I ask questions like that, questions that most people wouldn't, to find out as much as I can about this topic. I'll may talk about things that don't always appeal to your taste in things, but I guarantee that from now till the end of my blogging, you will indeed learn something useful in more understanding your mind.

ttys :) byebyex